Syktyvkarskiy LPK invites students to take part in the next probation


SLPK calls for applications for probations of 2025 from full-time students who are at their last or next-to-last course of education at bachelor’s or at master’s degree courses. The probation suggests that the students will get official 3-6 months employment with a flexible time schedule while studying. The probations are paid based on special approved tariffs.

«The students will try themselves in real life working conditions and get familiar with the team and the intricacies of the future job. It is a perfect opportunity to acquire not only hands-on experience but also an employment offer based on the probation results. We will definitely include active, talented, and goal-oriented students into SLPK’s talent pool», said Tatyana Zavatskaya, HR Director of SLPK.

The following probation fields are available:

  • Wood Chemical Processing Technology
  • Process Automation
  • Radiophysics
  • Logging/Pulp&Paper machinery
  • Heat Power Engineering
  • Economics and Finance
  • Procurement
  • Logistics
  • Information Systems
  • Human Resources
  • Journalism
  • Administration Processes (Docflow Management, Office Support)
  • Forest Management

To apply send your form before 01.12.2024; the form should include your brief CV, full name, educational institution, course, academic specialization, probation field, and contact info with your phone number and e-mail address. Successful consideration of your application will lead to interview with an HR specialist and another one with a division manager. The company seeks the following personal traits in candidates: proactive approach to life, communication skills, friendliness, and focus on goals achievement.

E-mail for applications:

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