
Our employees are our main value and our key to success

We believe that the success of the company begins with the well-being of each and every employee, hence we create environment for professional growth and personal development of our employees.

Join us

Welcome to our team! Together we can reach new heights and facilitate company development.


What do we do for our employees?

Train and promote
  • Give opportunities for professional growth and personal development of our employees at our Corporate University
  • Create a pool of highly qualified motivated young people - with the due regard to succession planning
Take care about health of our employees
  • Organize high quality medical care within obligatory and voluntary health insurance
  • Conduct routine medical examinations
  • Provide allowances for recreation at our Sanatorium-Preventorium.
Recognize achievements
  • Award authors of innovations with bonuses; specialists and teams are also provided with bonuses for production achievements and successful implementation of projects
  • Pay annual bonuses; the amount of the annual bonus depends on achievement of individual working goals under personal development review process (PDR)
Ensure stability
  • Ensure annual indexation of wages
  • Provide our new specialists with assignment allowances
Improve working conditions
  • Create safe and convenient workplaces
  • Provide with comfortable working clothes and shoes
  • Provide with modern tools
Create comfortable environment
  • Provide with daily meal allowances
  • Conduct ‘Vitamin Weeks’ in Spring
Help our employees to buy accommodations
  • Conduct an interest-free loans program
What other care does the company offer to its employees?
Learn more

What is our recruitment procedure?

Here you can find a step-by-step description of a job candidate selection process, including CVs consideration, interviews, and final decision-making.

Division Manager makes a job profile
A vacancy is posted on website HH.ru
Analysis of job candidates CVs
HR specialist and the Manager discuss the CVs that fit the job profile
Interview and Assessment
Interviewing and, if required, assessment of candidates
Preparation of job offers
The interviewed candidates get feedback

For Students

We invite the students of secondary vocational schools to undertake internships, and the students of higher education institutions to have probations at our company.

We give opportunities for the students to apply their theoretical knowledge on practice while they are still having their course of education, to get real life experience within their area of qualification in the team of professionals, and to have a chance to get employed by the company.

We are looking for talented, active, and responsible future specialists.


For Schoolgoers

We are proud to be an employee of choice, and to provide opportunities for professional fulfillment in our region. Hence we work on talent pool creation and succession planning already at the school level.

We get the schoolgoers acquainted with the modern pulp & paper production, attractive white- and blue-collar jobs, and help them make right choices in their qualification development paths.

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