Safety and Health

No compromises to safety

We focus on safety and health, eliminate any risks and create comfortable working conditions for our employees and contractors.

Our target

occupational fatalities and emergencies

Our safety approach

Syktyvkarskiy LPK has unified safety rules for its employees and contractors in place.

We are highly committed to safety and health beyond the Russian legal requirements and shape the mindset making a habit and a lifestyle of safe behavior and inspiring all employees to take care not only of their own safety but also of that of their colleagues.


Our main focus areas

Safety audits at all levels
Assessment of task risks
Training of employees and contractors
Responsible contractor management
Consistent approach to safety and health

Our projects

Making a Difference Day

Since 2010 we have been conducting a large-scale event Making a Difference Day for all employees of Syktyvkarskiy LPK and its contractors.

The event is aimed at recalling the importance of safety, health, corporate culture and housekeeping, a responsible environmental approach in a simple and entertaining way. With the help of interactive tasks the participants solidify the gained knowledge necessary at work or at home.

For example, employees practice fire-extinguisher and first aid skills, check own health parameters and get medical recommendations, learn to separate wastes, develop out-of-the-box thinking and implement proper work space organization principles.


Engagement Board

The analysis of injuries of recent years shows that injuries are often resulted from violation of safety rules or carelessness. To turn things around we added elements of social psychology of risk to the traditional safety approach and implemented a new communication tool called Engagement Board.

It helps managers and employees to actively engage during honest and open safety talks, exchange ideas and make joint decisions.

The Engagement Board is an information board divided into four sectors and each sector is intended for analysis of positives and negatives in one of risk areas:

  • Work space: physical working conditions, risk assessments, rules and procedures​.
  • Individual space: individual psychological element of risk and safety, in particular, conscious and unconscious decision making.
  • Group space: group dynamics and corporate culture, i.e. factors of team influence on conscious and unconscious decision making.

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